64 Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston 5 Jamaica, West Indies
There are three (3) distinguishable forms of tourism in relation to any given country. They are domestic, regional and international tourism. Domestic tourism comprises of citizens of the country traveling within the country. Regional tourism comprises of all persons visiting from within the region. International tourism comprises all tourists domestic and outbound tourism.
Tourism & Me: Teachers’ Guide. Supporting Tourism in the Social Studies Curriculum.
1996, p.7
The United Nations and World Tourism Organization’s definition of “Tourist” is wide, coveringall who travel for recreation, holiday, business, religion, sport, family reasons, professional or intellectual pursuits, staying at least 24 hours, i.e. overnight, but not more than a year. Excluded are permanent emigrants, diplomats, consular representatives, armed forces personnel and intransit visitors.
Tourism & Me: Teachers’ Guide. Supporting Tourism in the Social Studies Curriculum.
amaica Tourist Board in association with the Ministry of Education Youth and Culture, 1996, p.4
The term “Tourism” is an umbrella one covering all activities associated with tourists. According to the World Tourism Organization, 1993, tourism comprises “the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes”.
Tourism has been defined as a human activity which involves three basic groups- the host, community and visitor ??? relating to each other through a series of systems, institutions and relationships.
Tourism and me Teachers Guide
Prior to 1890, a number of lodging houses and inns existed, which numbered in excess of 1400 in 1830. After 1890, hotels were opened in Kingston, Spanish Town, Moneague, Mandeville and Port Antonio of which the most famous were Titchfield in Port Antonio and Myrtle Bank in Kingston. The Titchfield Hotel was re-built in 1905 and the magnificent new structure, which opened that year, helped to make Port Antonio the cradle of Jamaican Tourism. Some of the hotels constructed for the Great Exhibition and within the period are Myrtle Bank, Queens, Rio Cobre, Moneague, Titchfield and Mandeville hotel.
To Hell with Paradise,
Frank Fonda Taylor,
1993, p.75
The great exhibition was heralded as the first intensive effort to promote tourism in the island. Its principal purpose was to educate the people and awaken them from economic stupor and steer them up and arouse their interests in the possibilities of the country. Suitable for exhibit were gadgets for curing and preparing ginger, spices, coffee, cocoa and annotto as well as fruit-drying devices, small windmills, turbines and other time and labour ???saving contriviances.
To Hell with Paradise,
Frank Fonda Taylor,
1993, p.56
Port Antonio is often referred to as the cradle of tourism in Jamaica. Tourism started in Port Antonio when the banana king, Lorenzo Baker, brought visitors to the island on the return trip after exporting bananas. Baker’s hotel, Titchfield, erected in 1890 was the first built to cater to overseas tourists. Essentially, it comprised a group of cottages on top hill at some distance from the dining room and kitchen. The ruins are still clearly visible on Titchfield Hill.
To Hell with Paradise,
Frank Fonda Taylor,
1993, p.56